Water category
WAT2 – Water monitoring – max 1 credit AIM - To ensure water consumption can be monitored and managed, and therefore encourage reductions in consumption.
Assessment criteria:
The specification of a water meter on the mains water supply to each building Water-consuming plant or building areas, consuming 10% or more of the building's total water demand, are fitted with easily accessible sub-meters Each meter has a pulsed or other open protocol communication output to enable connection to an building management system (BMS)
ABB Smart Buildings Solutions
(*) Products are equipped with digital inputs that can collect water consumption through pulses (M4M, InSite, EQ meters). On top of this, InSite can also collect water consumption through Modbus in case of 3rd party Modbus communicating devices.
(**) This is possible with a respective meter
(***) Water metering could be an input into a controller but this is not normally a category considered as part of a BEMS control system
WAT3 – Water leak detection – max 3 credits AIM - To reduce the impact of water leaks that may otherwise go undetected
Assessment criteria:
The leak detection system must be:
- A permanent automated water leak detection system that alerts the building occupants to the leak
- Activated when the flow of water passing through the water meter or data logger is at a flow rate above a preset maximum for a preset period of time
- Programmable to suit the owner's or occupiers' water consumption criteria
ABB Smart Buildings Solutions
(*) part of the leak detection system
Water metering could be an input into a controller but this is not normally a category considered as part of a BEMS control system.