Energy category
The ENE category, in terms of points, is the most important BREEAM category. This section acknowledges the measures taken that improve the inherent energy efficiency of a project. It encourages the reduction of carbon emissions and supports efficient energy management throughout the design and operational phases of the project.
ENE1 – Reduction of energy use and carbon emissions – max 13 credits AIM - To recognize and encourage buildings designed to minimize operational energy demand, primary energy consumption, and CO₂ emissions.
Assessment criteria:
Energy performance:
- Defining the building energy performance using building energy calculation software: - Assessed building compared to notional equivalent - Notional building = local regulations or ASHRAE Standard (if local regulations are less rigorous) - Minimum 4 credits needed for excellent rating - Minimum 6 credits needed for outstanding rating
- Energy modelling study & qualified engineer required: - Modelling software = National Calculation Methodology or BRE approved (country-specific) - Approved software: Designbuilder, TRNSYS, EPB-Software 3G
ABB Smart Buildings Solutions
* Applicable for devices that can switch/control energy flow, and thus have an impact on the energy consumption of the building
ENE2 – Energy monitoring – max 2 credits AIM - To encourage the installation of energy sub-metering to allow monitoring of operational energy consumption. To allow managers and consultants post-handover to compare actual performance with targets in order to inform ongoing management and reduce any performance gap.
Assessment criteria:
Sub-metering by end-use:
- Energy meters are installed that allow at least 90% of the estimated annual energy consumption of each fuel or energy supply to be assigned to an end-use category
Sub-metering by functional or tenanted areas:
- In most circumstances, sub-metering should be per floor, or per floor plate where there are multiple service risers, cores, or floor plates
ABB Smart Buildings Solutions
(*) Applicable for devices that can monitor
ENE3 – External Lighting – max 1 credit AIM - To recognize and encourage the specification of energy efficient light fittings for external areas of the development.
Assessment criteria:
All external light fittings are automatically controlled for prevention of operation during daylight hours
ABB Smart Buildings Solutions
(*) Applicable for devices that can switch external lighting
(**) All Metering products (except CMS and EV meters) have digital outputs that can act for controlling an on/off switch, Control can be carried out by timers (AG timers, DBT timers) and by twilight switches (TL line). Dimming is not possible.
ENE10 – Flexible demand side response – max 1 credit AIM - To recognize and encourage flexible demand side response capability for electricity. Reducing carbon emissions by enabling electricity demand profiles to better match the availability of renewable electricity generation sources.
Assessment criteria:
The building is fitted with at least one smart appliance or smart control system that can modify the operation of the appliance or system in response to external signals from electricity suppliers. OR The building incorporates electricity or hot water storage facilities that can modify their charging or discharging cycles in response to external signals from electricity suppliers. This energy storage can be at the building level or across multiple buildings.
ABB Smart Buildings Solutions
(*) Applicable for Energy Management system in the Energy Metering category
(**) Applicable forcontrol and management systems