Secondary GIS
Secondary gas insulated switchgear has been subject to a significant development in the past 20 years, resulting in increased functionality and smaller dimensions. ABB's Ring Main Units (RMUs) and secondary switchgear are prepared for the use in future distribution grids and designed for use in various applications such as compact secondary substations, light industry, renewables or infrastructure.
Portfolio overview

- Global main line RMU solution up to 40,5kV
- Optimized for standard RMU applications: Select SafePlus switchgear for more options
- Completely sealed system
- Safe and reliable operation
- Compact design with small footprint and low physical weight
- Most typical variants: RMU with standard variants up to 5 modules (12-24kV) or 4 modules (36kV)

- Eco efficient SF6-free solution up to 24kV
- Dry air insulation up to 12kV, for higher voltages AirPlus insulation gas with Global Warming Potential (GWP) < 1
- Low pressure solutions (0,4bar relative pressure) with highest availability, reliability and safety
- Same footprint and operations of the well known SF6 range (Optimized standard SafeRing and flexible SafePlus range)

- Compact Gas Insulated switchgear up to 38kV
- Type tested according to ANSI/IEEE C37.20.3, C37.58, C37.54, and UL listed
- Rear viewports for visual verification of the three position disconnect status
- Available panels include cable switch, vacuum circuit breaker, and air insulated cable riser.