— Demand management
As demand for electricity skyrockets, advanced grid technologies can help utilities make informed investment decisions and implement a faster demand response.
Balancing supply and demand for electrical power has never been easy. The proliferation of alternative power sources, unprecedented load growth, and the consumer’s desire for sustainability without compromising affordability and reliability make demand management more challenging than ever. Toss in the usual disruptors, such as unseasonably hot or cold weather, and demand management becomes the stuff of headlines. New technologies are allowing utilities to weather the storm with predictive capabilities and decision-making tools powered by AI.
Our solutions to meet your goals
— Key takeaways
Skyrocketing demand and a growing diversity of power sources are making demand management more challenging than ever.
Demand management can involve some tough decisions, but advanced technologies can limit the negative impact to consumers.
AI and Machine Learning will become a critical part of the tool kit, as they allow utilities to make more-informed decisions and respond faster.
— Reliability and resiliency resources